Vans Turkey is excited to release Sunday Summaries – a new video from our Turkish Skateboarding team.

Istanbul has always been a center of attraction with its historical structure and natural beauty, but it’s also famous for its crowded and colorful street life. With its 16 million residents, cars, pedestrians, tourists and street vendors in each corner, the city can be challenging to navigate, especially for skateboarders trying to find a clear path. 

Only able to explore some of the city spots on Sundays, the Vans Turkey Skateboarding Team hit everything that the cosmopolitan metropolis has to offer across 6 months. They ended up with enough footage to create this new edit: ‘Sunday Summaries’. Shot during and after the pandemic, the team filmed throughout the city’s known and lesser-known skate spots, including Taksim Square, Moda and areas on the city’s Asian side. With a focus mainly on the skate spots and the scenery of the city, this project provides an authentic glimpse into the vibrant skateboarding culture in Istanbul. 

Sunday Summaries is available to watch now on above. Follow @vansskate and @vanseurope on Instagram to learn more about the Vans skate team.

Vans Riders:

Ali Osman Ensar @aliosmanensar 

Cenk Kulioğlu @cenkkulioglu 

Furkan Kaplan @furkankaplann._

Kerem Şahinoğlu @keremsahinoglu__

Guest Riders:

Eray Şahin @_eray_sahin_ 

Emre Töre @emretore_

Filmed by:

Yiğit Akbıyık @yigitakbiyik

Nuri Yılmazer @gonurigo

Tunahan Keskin @tunahnkeskin

Edited by:

Yiğit Akbıyık @yigitakbiyik

Nuri Yılmazer @gonurigo

Animations by:

Yiğit Akbıyık @yigitakbiyik

Kurhula David Ngobeni

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Kurhula David Ngobeni

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